Friday, March 19, 2010

Number 2 (so to speak) in the series

ULTRA STRONG? My god, man, how hard do you wipe? Is your asshole like sandpaper? What do they make this Charmin out of -- tungsten? Carbon fiber? How is this Charmin different from Charmin Basic? Nowhere on the wrapper does it say what the difference is! Where can I find this information out? How do they determine this taxonomy?

And THANK GOD you get a DEPENDABLE clean from this toilet paper, because I HATE HATE HATE the undependable clean you get from OTHER toilet papers! HOWEVER: how does one KNOW it's dependable? Do you check your underwear after you wipe? HOW DO YOU KNOW? Do you just take their word for it? Aren't they ALL dependable? And really, doesn't the dependability of the clean depend on the PERSON WIPING and not the material used to wipe?

And again with the stupid fake math! Aaaaaargh!

And what the fuck difference does "diamond weave" (whatever THAT is) make?

1 comment:

  1. Once you started pointing this shit out, it makes me want to leave the country. Or wait... do other countries have this kind of obsession with selling toilet paper ? Are we the only nation fixated on pooping and wiping with cashmere dogs ? Please explain the core problem here.

