Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How the Bourgeoisie See the Proletariat


Yes, this IS how the bourgeoisie see the proletariat. Monstrous, flat-headed, poorly-dressed, no sense of flair, dangerous -- THIS IS THEIR REALITY! Do WE believe it, O My Comrades? Is this YOUR working class, your laborer, your proletariat? I say thee nay! We must glorify the proletariat, turn the image around, see the bourgeoisie in THIS light! But how? Well ... that's the hard part. You can't.

So then why am I writing this? Is there no hope, no hope at all? Let me tell you, Comrades, there IS hope: no, we cannot change the way they see us, or the way they treat us, or ... well, much of anything, for that matter (until, of course, the Glorious Revolution, which I FEEL IN MY BONES is slowly but surely coming, on the horizon, almost here -- ALMOST!): but we CAN change the literary landscape! YES! The answer, O My Comrades? POETRY!!

We will start The Revolution with POETRY! And so, utilizing this subversive and unexpected tactic, Comrade X writes his first paean to organized labor. To wit, a sonnet:

Song of The Worker

O we of little faith, cursing at our
Fate, we fail to see that in the revanche
Of bourgeois ideology, sour
Grapes abound; all the petit bourgeois blanch --
Our day will come! We rise above th' oppressive weight
Of alienated labor's demand:
Sell thy soul! Trade worth for cash! Your great
Reward lies high above (it's God's command!).
But WE know better, don't we, now; our lives
Are worth much more than Crustables (awful
Facsimile of food!) -- what grows, what thrives
On trash? Nothing! Lies, we've had a crawful!
And so, in sum, I say it lies to us
To bitch, to stir things up and make a fuss!


I wrote a sonnet -- what are YOU going to do, O My Comrade?


  1. I'm making a musical using Lego's.

  2. I was making a dance, too, but my dancers kept falling off their shoes. It was going to be called Up With the Proletariat!
