So Brooke sez:
"Once this guy Lucifer wanted to sleep with me and I was like,
'Mom ! Do I have to ?'
He was gross and ate too much mayonnaise, so I broke up with him.
What? I was only 13 !
He found me on Facebook after all these years,and we are really making a go of it.
But guess what ? I ended up with bald eyes!"
The devil is really sweet and really, really rich !!
'Here my darling, I created LATISSE just for you.Use it and spread the word but be warned--
Use may cause darkening of eyelid skin which maybe reversible."
LATISSE® under close doctor supervision. May cause eyelid skin darkening which may be reversible, and there is potential for increased brown iris pigmentation which is likely to be permanent. There is a potential for hair growth to occur in areas where LATISSE® solution comes in repeated contact with skin surfaces. If you develop or experience any eye problems or have eye surgery, consult your doctor immediately about continued use of LATISSE®. The most common side effects after using LATISSE® solution are an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness.
1."LATISSE® use may cause darkening of the eyelid skin."
(Nice . We can look like Zombies!)
2. "Which may be reversible." ( may be ?)
3. "May also cause increased brown pigmentation of the colored part of the eye which is likely to be permanent" (The colored part ? You mean the IRIS ?)
4. "It is possible for hair growth to occur in other areas of your skin that LATISSE® frequently touches" (What ? Wait....WHAT ?--Oooh you mean my fingertips will sprout eyelashes? AWESOME)
You know, of course, this means they are trying to kill us.
What planet do the pharmaceutical companies come from ? Who do they think they are?
Perhaps they are those rather large Alien monstrosities on "The Twilight Zone" who wanted to "Serve man".
What do they want from us ?
I'm pretty sure they are trying to take over and kill us all.
Brooke, how much are they paying you, dear ? IS IT WORTH YOUR LIVER AND YOUR SOUL?
P.S. Check out this web sight and tell me what you think about it. You might want to use a public phone because they can trace the call back to your house.
The fact that scientists can come up with a way to grow lashes and give men erections but cannot cure cancer... And, that someone actually had the idea that the lack of eye lashes is a *problem* (in light of all the side effects)... I give up.
ReplyDeleteDid you watch how mentally ill the commercials on the web sight are?