Sunday, April 11, 2010



Those "providers”, they took the plug out of the base of my neck. (or rather AT & T did-- Have you ever spent 5 hours on the line with tech support trying to figure out why your modem/computer/Provider keeps sending you the “Oops there has been an error- you are not connected to the internet” message ?

What am I saying ?--OF COURSE YOU HAVE!

So, yeah, anyway the Internet was gone ,and there I was standing in the middle of my living room not being provided for . I looked around dumfounded. What had just happened to me?

That humm? You know the one of your computer in the background? Well, It was gone and the silence was fucking deafening.Suddenly I was on a warm tropical island of pre-technology. I could think straight.It was the greatest vacation I’ve ever taken.

Or so I thought. Then I looked around.

Wow. The real world ! It’s so shiny , and smelly, and depraved.

Have you ever looked up from your blackberry/iphone before ?

It’s FUCKED UP, let me tell you.

There is a lady in the shape of a turnip living on my street corner and that doesn’t even begin to tell the story… I've been gone so long that I dont have the vocabulary to report back to you what it's like out there in the new/old world.I don't even know what I'm looking at .

P.S.BTW If I don't die from exposure, I will be posting from my laptop in Starbucks. Check for horrible updates.Blog.


  1. don't you have a glorious iphone? than you should never have to be without your digital teet so that you may suckle the tasty poison of cyberspace. ;P

    Le F

  2. No, that's me -- X -- who has the iPhone, not Y, who refuses to be caught in that trap. But I only got one for experimental purposes, I swear!

    -- X

  3. If I never have to hear the word "App's" again the world will be a better place.

  4. Comrades X amd Y,

    My apologies, I failed to notice the difference in the Font, indicateing that it was Comrade Y. It wont happen again, unless of course I am at work and drunk--like today.

    Le F

  5. Comrade Le F --

    It is good to know that you can multitask like that. Drink on the Opressors' time!

    -- X
