Black mannequin love guy (BMLG for short) and his “wife” were recently spotted in the Goodwill getting dressed for the evening in the house wares and furniture section. Despite BMLG wife's recent loss of her lower extremities, in what could only be called ”a sex accident”, the couple pressed on in their pursuit of “The most insane” award. They won by a landslide.
Bringing his mannequin-wife’s own clothing in a backpack, instead of dressing her in the clothes from the Goodwill was a brilliant stroke of genius. NO ONE expected that! Even a special needs Goodwill attendant was shocked by the bold move and was heard whispering, “Why didn’t he just use the clothes here?"
Judges took notice when BMLG disrobed and then screwed the arms off his wife in order to fit the lacy corset over her head , Instead of just slipping it up her torso (which would have been the easier route considering she has no legs).BMLG also got big points for not panicking when his wife's matted wig fell off revealing unsightly paint chips. Other points were gained for “Best Twin Effect”, “Best ability to scare the shit out of everyone", “Best dark black makeup application” and “Most monochromatic couple ”.
Shout out to the other contestants:
Sideways neck guy, small child reading on the floor in the pants aisle, loudest boom box tester, and hipster who can clock in the most hours at the t-shirt rack.
His cousin Blue bum wept with jealousy when notified by payphone.
oops sorry the link works now.