Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Online Experience Visualized

If you could make a visual representation of the online dating "seduction," it might look something like this:

No one knows what the hell they're talking about, and every attempt at communication is a miscommunication. Fuck the emails -- just meet and get it over with. Then text your friends on the way home to complain about it.


  1. ha! yes. that's pretty much exactly it. (j'adore Andy Kaufman)

    and thanks for the expansion of taxidermy, well, that's how I visualize it in my head; each type displayed by a representational stuffed animal head on the wall. staring at me. with beady eyes. the women all versions of me, the men my targets/prizes.

    cheers to X, and also to e/smile for bringing my humor back about this. i'm patiently waiting for the 'peoples shopping-site of love and fucking for the revolution'.

  2. HA! Can one put a emoticon on the Comments ? :)--does that work ?

    I think we've done pretty good with the emails. Why meet ?

    Just joking my friend.


  3. oops does the smiley face with two dashes mean something? Let's post about emoticons next.

  4. the two dashes could be the tongue hanging out? you have to put a space or a dash between the : and the ) or else it looks odd. like a really squished face. see examples...


    : *



    : $

    i hate emoticons. please write about them.
