Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who doesn't love a horrific crash?

Comrades -- read the following link and come back:


Okay, now, the thing I want you to notice here is the "thumbs up" icon above the story. Apparently, at the moment of writing, 138 people LIKE the fact that two people died in a horrific crash in Staten Island. Now this of course begs the following questions:

1. Do those people know what they're doing when they push the "I like this" button?
2. What does the "I like this" button even mean?
Are they thumbs-upping the story or the fact of the crash? If the crash, they're sick bastards, if the story, what does THAT mean? They like reading about people dying in car crashes?
3. Why doesn't the NY Daily News site allow for anything EXCEPT an "I like it" option? Why won't they allow for an "I don't like this" option? Or a "Quit reporting sensationalist 'If it bleeds, it leads'" bullshit option? Same as the insidious corporate entity known as Facebook -- which is where you go to vote on this, I think (it's not clear how one gives the thumbs-up to a horrific crash, if you are so inclined to express your enjoyment of such occurrences) -- you can't dislike something and you can't delete your profile, EVER.
4. Why are we voting on news stories anyway? To alert the news outlets as to what sells, and to make them more aware of what types of stories to post on their websites?
5. To further erode the ENTIRE IDEA of unbiased journalism for the rather more pervasive idea of capitalist money-making "Journalism"? Fuck you, Rupert Murdoch!

Good god, my Comrades, how much more of this Internet thought-constraining insane bullshit must we put up with? The internet is a trap! A capitalist panacea that makes you think the world has suddenly gone completely democratic when in fact it has done quite the opposite -- IT HAS BECOME COMPLETELY CAPITALISTIC, and it is THIS, above all else, that we should fight!

The only question that remains is: how?