Monday, August 23, 2010

Comrade X Suffers for Your Sins

Yes, my Comrades, Comrade X has been slapped on the wrist -- most resoundingly! -- by Capitalism! Yes, Capitalism has finally recognized its most infamous, its most potent enemy -- Irritable Blog Syndrome! And in its fear -- yea, in its PANIC, O my Comrades! -- it has attacked, ATTACKED, I say, Comrade X, trying to teach him a lesson! A massive slap on the wrist to keep him from exposing Capitalism's most terrifying, most horrifying, most destructive secrets! To keep him from exposing its language, its detritus, its dirty, seedy underside to you, its VICTIM in this War of Oppressive Ideology!

Yes, my Comrades, Comrade X suffers for your sins! Comrade Y, well, I don't know what she's doing, but apparently SHE hasn't taken one on the chin for the Revolution. Good one, Y! Why is it always ME with the bruises, huh? HUH?!


  1. So...what you are saying is that Comrade Q is now the embodiment of Capitalism? I wonder what he would think about this.


  2. ha! it's like a childrens book from bizzarro land: "Q is for capitalism. X is for chocolate.
    c is for plate of shrimp." ah stretching the joke to the breaking point, I know, but I had to get a repo man refrence in there.

    writing suggestion for you X: righteous anger vs Bourgeois Douche bags in BMW SUV's. ;)

    Le F

  3. Excuse me, I GOT SALMONELLA!

    Please sign this petition. This guy Jack DeCoster actually tried to kill me.


  4. Y --

    Obviously we have a Bolshevik/Menshevik division beginning already ...

    -- X
