Thursday, February 18, 2010


This item caught my eye as it sat stacked in an endcap at my local Conglomerate Food Emporium:

1. Do peanuts taste so disgusting that you have to add a truly horrendous combination of flavors -- sour cream and cheddar (cheddar what? Cheese? You need to specify! "Cheddar" itself isn't a flavor, I don't think. You can't make cheddar cola, for instance. It's a TYPE of cheese) -- to make them palatable? And if so, WHY EAT THEM?! Why try to make them taste like Doritos?

2. Which is the natural and which the artificial flavor?

3. Why are the peanuts flying at you? Or are they exploding (with taste, presumably?)? If you add these two flavors, do peanuts become explosive? Or is it due to the mix of natural and artificial flavors? Do they explode out of the can? Will they all roll under the refridgerator? Will you be able to eat ANY of them?

4. "Have nuts? Have a party!" How exactly are we to take this motto? If I have testes I should have a party because why? Or if I have nuts already I should have a party? In which case, what do I need these for?

5. 0 grams trans fat per serving. Does anyone who would buy this product really even know what that means? And why per serving? Wouldn't all the servings combined still add up to zero? Why not 0 grams per can? Or just 0 grams? Why specify "per serving"?


  1. X-I hate when peanuts explode !

    Why try to make them taste like Doritos?
    Because, apparently the youth of today complain "Dont buy the regular flavor--It doesn't taste like ANYTHING !" This,as you can imagine confuses the elders. How is that possible? Do you think their taste buds have evolved or mutated in some way from eating so much super potently flavorful shit ?

  2. Y --

    Everything is money-flavored. Cool Ranch, Explosion Burst, Cheeseburger, Taco-n'-Lime, Fun Flavor, Flavor Burst, Flavor Explosion, Party In Your Mouth, Opossum-n'-Tar, Dirty Sanchez, Barely Legal, Jalapeno Cheese, Cheese-n'-Shit, etc. -- it's ALL the flavor of MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!

    -- X
