Thursday, May 27, 2010

When Critical Thinking Fails AND Becomes the Basis of Possible Litigation

Okay, seriously, how hard is it to put a modicum of forethought into what happens when you put up a sign? Why would you decide, as a professional sign hanger (obviously they didn't use Union labor!), to put the various words in the sign right next to each other WITHOUT EVEN THINKING about what OTHER words might emerge when you did so?

Now, I'm not certain, but I'll check Google, so hold on a second ...

Well, well, well, looks like Comrade X spoke too soon:

"Boston’s Children’s Hospital bills itself as the hospital for children — and now it’s also the hospital for children who want a sex change, a procedure some critics are calling “barbaric.”"

Well, perhaps this sign is part of the pediatrics ward at Boston Children's Hospital. But, despite the evidence, Comrade X thinks that it probably isn't.


  1. Maybe they were trying to make hermaphroditism less of a taboo? I read it as a place to exchange kids. Only after looking at it again did I realize what it actually says. Oh, those Brahmins! always trying to be ahead of the curve!


  2. Well, E, looking at it again, I realize that there are a multiplicity of ways in which this sign could be read, especially if you consider the idea of where or whether there should be an apostrophe (I don't assume that anyone spells anything correctly anymore):

    1. Kids Exchange: a place you trade in your child for another. ("Excuse me, but does this come in a color that will match my outfit?")

    2. Kids Exchange: a simple declarative statement that says that children exchange shit for other shit. What the storefront is for, then, is anyone's guess.

    3. Kids Exchange: an imperative. Children are commanded to exchange. Whether at this location or another remains unclear.

    4. Kids' Exchange: a bunch of children all running around trading things they have for things other kids have. I don't see the profit margin here for the store owners.

    5. Kid's Exchange: one kid behind a bullet-proof pane of glass running what is essentially a pawnshop.

    6. Kid Sex Change: trade in your boy for a girl, or vice-versa.

    7. Kid Sex Change: turn your boy into a girl, or vice-versa.

    8. Kids' Ex-Change: a bunch of pennies dropped by children unbeknownst to them. (Do they come here to reclaim it, then?)

    9. Kid's Ex-Change: one poor soul whose lost milk money has been accumulating in this particular location for years and years, for some unknown reason. (Is the sign mocking that poor child?)

    And on and on.

    -- X

  3. Y --

    Hey, this is our hundredth post! Let's celebrate!

    -- X

  4. Really ? Happy Anniversary us. I missed it!
    Btw please Republish above comment as a new post.
    It's a "Shouts and Murmurs moment"

  5. And please continue to go on and on ,too.
