Friday, May 7, 2010

Prepare for domination!

This particular product was brought to the attention of Comrade X by the ever-vigilant Comrade E, who was obviously shocked at the blatant message by the Androcentric Bourgeois World Order. The Oppressors have become so lazy and arrogant that they no longer feel the need to subtly push their agenda -- they are now proclaiming it loudly! For instance, the advertising language on this product says:

"All the world loves a lover [of capitalism!]. All the world loves Mandom [but hates femaledom? Or loves being dominated by "The Man"?]. Man o man [oh, man!]. That's MANDOM [caps in case you didn't get the message the first three times]."

What is this? What have we come to? Now they are giving us hair product (side note: what is the difference between "hair liquid" and "hair tonic"? Just another way of selling us one product TWICE, by giving it two different labels!) that, in all probability, contains some kind of brain-numbing element (think: military-industrial-entertainment-hair product complex), making us more susceptible to the now-overt messages of the Capitalist Hegemony. Bow down in abject servitude! Love MANDOM!


  1. Either that, or it's a subliminal (or perhaps not-so-subliminal) gay message. You decide.

  2. Comrade X-

    you know you want to live in a Mandom world. Then you truly would be "the man."


  3. No, I think YOU mean Man-Doom! Ha!

    -- X

  4. ran-dom. brain doomed, sad dom. dim-sum.
