Monday, May 17, 2010

Comrade X Goes to the Library

Okay, so Comrade X finally figured out that you can use the library to get things you want FOR FREE, yes, for free, without having to pay HUGE amounts of money for stupid books that you wouldn't want to read under normal circumstances. But this isn't what Comrade X wants to point out -- what Comrade X wants to point out, as usual, is the INSANE patrons of said establishments, the freaks and detritus that frequent these emporiums of a kind of bourgeois knowledge that even the bourgeoisie don't want to participate in, which means, of course, that the proletariat use this institution to raise themselves "above" their condition, and join the ranks of those they hate. Well, Comrade X is of course not subject to such trickery, but he has noticed that the people who use said institution are INCREDIBLY FUCKING RUDE, and if the library as a library, as Jefferson defined it, is to survive, then people must, of necessity, BE NICER for it to do so.

For instance, this afternoon, Comrade X went to the library in his neighborhood to pick up the Black Sabbath box set (The Complete Black Sabbath 1970-1978: oh, yeah!), and as he was standing in line, he noticed:

1. The woman in front of him with her two completely uncontrolled children picked up their materials and just stood there, as one of the kids, with a copy of Elmo 2: The Puppet Massacre or whatever it was, walked around in circles babbling incomprehensible gibberish while the other child with her Barbie: Fifty Years of Outlandish Tits DVD stood in the way of everyone and screamed while the mother, unable to deal with the situation due to her bourgeois inability and unwillingness to deal with her child's growing solipsism, waited for her children to calm down while the rest of us stood there, our time obviously not as valuable as that of tantrum-throwing four-year-olds;

2. Two people, a couple, of unusually ugly appearance, checked out the three Spanish-themed DVDs the library had in its displayed collection, which they found because:

3. This big-ass fat guy had just returned twenty (!) DVDs and was checking out twenty (yes, 20!) more (who the fuck has time to watch all those DVDs?) in a huge stack, and both of them:


4. The worst, as Comrade X was leaving, he was walking down the hall to the front door, when a woman opened the door, and said to him, "No, you first,
PLEASE!" with a roll of her eyes as if she was being SO PUT OUT that she HAD to open the door for Comrade X when it would have been just as easy for her to stand there and wait, if it bothered her so much. BUT THAT'S THE THING! These people here, they're SO FUCKING SELF-ENTITLED that they think that if they do something nice for someone, it's an IMPOSITION to do so and that they shouldn't HAVE to do so and that they are somehow being cheated of something they're entitled to if they do the MINIMUM they can in the service of public harmony. WHAT THE FUCK? What is it with these fucking idiots? They're SO self-centered that they think that the world should be doing things for THEM at ALL times, and if they have to do something for someone else -- even of their own volition -- they are somehow being imposed upon and cheated of their -- what, their rights? What? WHAT DO THEY THINK? FUCKING HELL!

So fuck you, bitch! Open the door! It took you, what? Less than a fraction of one second of your time? Why do you have to be such a bitch about it? This is just like the hippie that accosted Comrade X and his friend on a trail yesterday while they were hiking for MOVING OUT OF HIS WAY, as if ANYTHING anyone does to accomodate them is somehow bad and reprehensible (a story for another time)! WHAT THE FUCK

Comrade X is baffled and sickened.

What is it with people? They go out of their way to be nice and then blame the people they're being nice to. Unbelievable.

Oh when, oh when, will the Revolution start?


  1. X,

    you are just a crazy magnet. something about your quantum field just draws them to you....

    luckily all of yours friends and comrades are models of sanity, reason and metal/physical hygiene.

    Le F

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH -- oww. Comrade X just hurt himself. Owwww.

    -- X

  3. I hope you picked up a copy of "Anger--It's just Hurting your Small Intestine" by S. Stein 1961

  4. Yeah, I read that book -- not a lot of advice, mostly just a bunch of bitching and moaning. I think the author was too angry to make an actual argument.

    -- X

  5. Comrade Le Fever-

    I forgot to say welcome back to the fold. Your commentary has been missed, believe it or not. Continue on, Comrade Le F!


  6. E,

    Thank you.

    ~Le F
