Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Comrade X Thinks Freddie Mercury Might Have Been Gay

In case you're wondering, too, please watch this video and let me know what you think. Pay special attention to the shorts, of which Comrade X just purchased a pair. Do you think they'd make ME look gay, too?


  1. Only if you wore them with a white baseball cap and a red kerchief tied jauntily around your neck. I think if you throw on a puffy vest with the above, it would butch it up enough to erase any inherent gayness.

    But this is you. So you might need to up the butchness with an Ed Hardy t-shirt and a gold chain bracelet. Yeah, that's a look I'd like to see...


  2. Who cares if you LOOK gay? Do you like the shorts? are the comfy? do they make you feel like you can bring the revolution?

    Looking and BEING are not the same things. Although the do sometimes coincide, as in the case of Mr. Mercury.

    Besides, the whole gay/straight masculine/feminine dichotomy is just capitalist thought control. like the song says, "Free your Mind and your ass will follow".

    Le F

    That means Mario from Super Mario is gay too!
    Ellos son gemelos!

  4. I'm not afraid that my ass will follow, I'm afraid that people will follow my ass. I don't want the attention. I'm trying to stay low-key! But then again, it could be a good look for the Revolution ...

    -- X

  5. If you don't want attention then don't wear those shorts.

    Also if you make them as part of the uniform of the revolution, everyone will look like they are in the YOUNG PIONEERS. shudder.

    Le F

  6. Young Pioneers. That could be our cover ...

    -- X

  7. Thank you Le F!

    I totally forgot about the Young Pioneers... That would make a fantastic cover!

    My grandfather for some strange reason subscribed to "Soviet Life" all through the 70s and 80s. Somehow I ended up with quite a few of the issues when I was in high school. Oh, I remember why. Gramps thought I was built like a Russian shot putter and he gave the the issues to study. Lovely man. Not.

    Anyhoo, Young Pioneers were always featured, with their fresh faces, feats of derring-do, and smart uniforms. Which, now thanks to Comrade Le F, I see the correlation between Mr. Mercury and some of the USSR's (probably now disillusioned) finest.

    This makes me laugh.

