Monday, November 1, 2010

brb or Be Right Back

Dear readers,

We are temporarily unable to write about anything because of a certain law suit from a certain irate mega-corporation. We offended them, apparently. Ooops. Oh well.

We regret to interrupt our services and hope to be joining you again soon.

In the meantime...Please ponder this. All this talk of online dating had me wondering what would happen if I put up an online dating profile. Well, after two hours of reading one of the many terrifying emails from my would be suitors, I had to go in the witness protection program.

Here is part of some guys profile:

The most private thing I’m willing to admit
not exactly the right forum for that admission but i could pretend that my dog has had a sex change operation



  1. WTF? I need my weekly dose of "up yours" to the capitalist machine! come back, oh come back, Comrades X and Y! I will make cookies... : )


  2. We'll try to post from jail!

  3. I'll make a cake with a file in it!

